Ripples Effect

The first TEDxRoseburg event featured 15 local speaker, including UV writer Jenny Kormendi (front row between the E and D)
Building on the foundation of their first successful TEDxRoseburg event, Aaron and Andre Larsen are setting the stage to share even more great local ideas to the rest of the world.
Story by Jenny Kormendi Photos by Ray Hull
Aaron and Andre Larsen didn’t always imagine they’d be helping bring the diverse ideas of the Roseburg community to a global stage. But in the aftermath of the 2016 shooting at Umpqua Community College, they were moved by the innovation and resourcefulness shown by the people of Douglas County.
Andre saw so much camaraderie, even beauty, in the community’s response and was moved by the support people gave each other. Aaron recalls experiencing “that surreal moment where everybody was feeling like they needed to do something because it was so difficult to process this experience.”
Wondering how they could positively contribute, a light bulb began to glow as Andre settled in to another typical evening in front of the computer, watching TED Talk videos. TEDx Talks are programs licensed by the TED organization that feature short, inspiring features from experts around the world in the areas of technology, entertainment and design (or, TED).
As she watched, Andre asked herself, “Why not amplify the hidden gems in our community and lift up the wonderful voices of Roseburg on a global platform by hosting a TEDx talk?”
TEDx was developed to give smaller communities like Roseburg a voice on a larger stage. Over the course of nine months, the Larsens sifted through a 200-page rule book and mulled whether or not to organize an event locally. Ultimately, Andre decided to press forward.
The first TEDx Roseburg was presented in July 2017 and featured 15 local speakers and an audience of just 100 individuals, per TEDx regulations. After a successful first attempt, the couple knew they wanted to organize a second event on a larger scale for this year. They turned to social media and asked their followers to come up with a theme.
“Themes that aligned with community and the Umpqua river were quite popular, so we brainstormed words that relate to water,” Andre says. “We chose ‘Ripples’ because it symbolizes the fact that one small action can create a cascade of actions. We related it to community because if one person steps up and does something great for the community, others are inspired to do the same. We believe that is how great communities thrive.”
In order to host a larger audience, the TED organization requires TEDx organizers to meet additional criteria, including attending a bona fide TED talk experience, which Andre did in November 2019.
“It was a fantastic experience that really set expectations high,” she says. “When we were approved for next TEDx event we had the possibility of hosting up to 1,000 people, or 10 times larger than our first event.”
Once approved, the TEDx team set about finding local voices with engaging topics to share. The speaker interviews started before the global pandemic was declared but, despite the unpredictable times, the Larsens were determined to proceed with creating the platform for these individuals to share their ideas.
“We related (our Ripples theme) to community because if one person steps up and does something great for the community, others are inspired to do the same.” — Andre Larsen
The second TEDxRoseburg will air Saturday, April 10. Speaker themes include education and training, gardening and biology with tie-ins to geography and art. The Larsens say they are excited to offer themes of unification in a time of division. For example, one talk focuses on the divide between rural and urban communities and ways they can be brought together.
The possibility of a live audience is still up in the air, and the Larsen’s hoped-for audience of 1,000 is, of course, out of the question. But nothing will stop the event from going on. Individuals will be able to watch live from home, and there’s an option to purchase a party pack complete with decorations and gift cards for local restaurants.
In a time of unpredictability, one thing is certain: Aaron and Andre Larsen are determined to provide the stage from which the ripples of great local ideas can spread.
Learn more about TEDx Roseburg and how to stream the event at