Captured in the Wild

Tall pasture grass hides a days-old fawn.
Faced with unexpected extra time during the pandemic, photojournalist and UV contributor Robin Loznak fills it by venturing out into nature and bringing back remarkable images of its inhabitants.
We are pleased to share a small section of the impressive portfolio of contributing UV photographer Robin Loznak.
The former chief photographer for The News-Review in Roseburg, Loznak currently is a contract photographer with the international editorial photo agency ZUMApress. His work is published regularly regionally and around the world.
A photojournalist by training, Loznak began concentrating on nature photography while working for a newspaper in Montana, near Glacier National Park. More recently, with pandemic restrictions cutting into his assignments and leading to “a trunk load of gear gathering dust,” he redoubled his effort to photograph the wildlife and nature within miles of the home near Elkton he shares with his wife, three dogs, three cats and chickens.
“I set the goal of capturing at least one image worth sharing every day on social media and though ZUMApress,” Loznak says, adding that he’s only missed a few days.
“Seeing your amazing photos pretty much every day has provided major sustenance for me through this challenging time,” wrote one of his blog readers.
A steer makes its way through a pasture during a heavy snow shower.
A Steller’s jay snatches a walnut from the roof of a shed.
Smoke from last September’s wildfires tints the sun a vivid color leaving a vulture silhouetted on its perch.
A wild garter snake captures and works on consuming a bullfrog on the bank of the Umpqua River. According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, garter snakes are known to eat frogs, toads, salamanders, birds, fish, reptiles and small mammals.
An ant climbs on a raindrop-wetted yellow rose.
After being found injured in a field, a merlin, a small but fierce falcon, waits in a pet carrier for a rehab specialist to arrive.